Privacy Policy

Last Updated: September 6, 2021

This website, (the “Site”) is operated by Quint, LLC (Quint). Quint is located at 9335 Harris Corners Parkway, Suite 500 Charlotte, NC 28269, USA (“we”, “us” and/or “our”).

This privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) outlines the basis on which any personal data we collect, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us. We are not responsible for the privacy policies of other websites or applications, and encourage you read all applicable terms, conditions and privacy policies when using other websites and applications.

For the purpose of data protection law, we are the data controller. Questions, comments and requests regarding this Privacy Policy and how we use your personal data are welcomed and should be addressed to

Agreeing to our Privacy Policy

By using our site, you acknowledge that we will use your data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. There are certain services that we may not be able to provide if you do not choose to provide relevant information.

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By using our site, you agree to us collecting and using personal information about you in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you are not comfortable with the contents of this Privacy Policy, please do not use our site. You have choices about the data we collect. When asked to provide certain personal information you may decline, but where such is necessary to provide a service or feature, your use of that service or feature may be restricted as a result.

What Information do we Collect?

We collect data to operate effectively and provide you the best experiences with our products. You provide some of this data directly, such as when you create an account or contact us for support. We get some of it by recording how you interact with our products by, for example, using technologies like cookies – this may collect data about your use of our site, your device(s) and your location.

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We will collect and process the following data about you:


Our Digital Products use cookies and similar technologies. For more information on the cookies that we use on the Site and their purpose, please see our Cookies Policy at

How do we use your information?

We may use your information in a number of ways, including to provide the site, to personalize and improve the services we offer, to carry out our obligations, communicate with you, to analyze use of our Site and in other ways that you agree to.

We may share your information with our group companies, law enforcement agencies, service providers, partners, people who operate Site and third parties that you agree that we can share it with.

We may disclose your information in order to enforce the terms of use of any of our site, to protect our rights, to comply with applicable laws and as is reasonably necessary to operate our systems and protect us and our users.

The Table at the end of this notice provides an overview of the information that we collect about you, the purposes for which we use that information, the legal basis which permits us to use it and the rights that you have in relation to your information.

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We may use your information:

We will share your information with:

We will share your information to such third parties as set out above:


If you are a child who is using our Digital Products or a parent of a child using our Digital Products, there are additional rules.

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It is important to us that children can enjoy the Site in a responsible fashion. We encourage parents and guardians to supervise their children's online activities by, for example, adopting parental control tools available from online services and software manufacturers that help provide a child-friendly online environment. These tools can also prevent children from disclosing online their name, address, and other personal information without parental permission.

Your child's privacy is important to us. We are committed to safeguarding children's personal information collected online, and to helping parents and guardians and their children learn how to exercise control over personal information while exploring the Internet.

If you are aged 15 or under, we will require permission from your parent or guardian in order for you to register on our website, unless otherwise stated at the point of registration. If you are required to provide permission from your parent or guardian, you will be asked to supply the name and email address of a parent or guardian to whom a confirmation email will be sent. Your account will only become active once your parent or guardian has clicked on the link within the confirmation email to provide their consent.

If you are a parent or guardian and would like to review any personal information that we have collected online from your child, have this information deleted, and/or request that there be no further collection or use of your child’s personal information or if you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or practices, you may contact us at

Jurisdiction and Cross Border Transfer

When personal data is transferred to countries outside of the UK and the European Economic Area those countries may not offer an equivalent level of protection for personal data to the laws in the UK. Where this is the case we will ensure that appropriate safeguards are put in place to protect your information.

The countries to which your information is transferred and the safeguards in place are detailed below:

We comply with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information transferred from the European Union to the United States. We have certified to the Department of Commerce that we adhere to the Privacy Shield Principles. If there is any conflict between the terms in this privacy policy and the Privacy Shield Principles, the Privacy Shield Principles shall govern. To learn more about the Privacy Shield program, and to view our certification, please visit


We have security protocols in place to protect your information from unauthorized access, improper use or disclosure, unauthorized modification, and unlawful destruction or accidental loss. We only allow access to our databases when necessary, and then under strict guidelines as to what use may be made of such data.

Where and For How Long We Store Your Information

We store your information in data centres located in the United States of America. We may use service providers to help us run our Site (or services available on our Site). If we or our service providers transfer any information out of the European Economic Area (EEA), it will only be done with the relevant protection (under UK law) being in place (please see above under Jurisdiction and Cross Border Transfer for more information).

We will only store your information for as long as it is required to fulfil the purpose for which it was initially collected. We have a policy in place that details our procedures for lawfully retaining and deleting your information.

Marketing & Unsubscribing

If you wish to unsubscribe from the list, please click on the unsubscribe link in the relevant email or e-mail us at Except as to the extent you consent to us doing so at the point of data collection, we will not share, license or sell these e-mail addresses without your express consent.

Your Rights in Relation to Your Data

You have rights to access, correct, delete your information or to object to or restrict our processing of it in certain situations. No fee is usually required to exercise these rights, but we may need certain information from you.

In certain circumstances, you have the right to:

We allow you to access, correct and edit your details at any time by contacting

No fee is usually required - You will not have to pay a fee to access your personal information (or to exercise any of the other rights). However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request for access is unfounded or excessive. Alternatively, we may refuse to comply with the request in such circumstances.

What we may need from you - We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access the information (or to exercise any of your other rights). This is another appropriate security measure to ensure that personal information is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

Privacy laws and practice are constantly developing. Our policies and procedures are therefore under continual review. We may, from time to time, update our privacy policy. Any such changes will be posted on this page. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to the Privacy Policy.

How to Complain

We endeavor to meet the highest standards when collecting and using personal information, however if you wish to lodge a complaint as to how we collect and process your information please contact You may also wish to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office, the UK’s independent body set up to uphold information rights. You can find further details as to how to do this at

Table: quick check of how we use your personal data

Communication with customers and website users

Personal contact details and information provided by you when you contact us via our contact forms or by email, marketing preferences, product purchase history.

The generally applicable rights plus the right to object.

Carrying out contractual obligations to customers

Information relating to our agreement with you including but limited to name, address, e-mail address, date of birth, nationality and phone number and preferences.

The generally applicable rights plus the right to object.

Maintenance and improvement of website and technical offering

Technical information and information about your visit (set out above in the What Information we collect section).

The generally applicable rights plus the right to object.

Fraud and crime prevention

Personal contact details and information provided by you when you contact us via our contact forms or by email, information provide to us by third party credit check providers, information provided to us by law enforcement agencies.

The generally applicable rights plus the right to object.

To deal with legal disputes

Personal contact details, information provided by you when you contact us via our contact forms or by email, customer contracts or engagement records.

The generally applicable rights plus the right to object.

Market research and customer profile development

Personal contact details, marketing preferences, product purchase history, Technical information and information about your visit (set out above in the What Information we collect section).

The generally applicable rights plus the right to object.

Direct marketing and advertising

Personal contact details, marketing preferences, product purchase history, Technical information and information about your visit (set out above in the What Information we collect section).

The generally applicable rights plus the right to object.

*The following generally applicable rights always apply: right to be informed, right of access, right to rectification, right to erasure, right to restriction and rights in relation to automated decision making. For more detail about your rights and how to exercise them please see above.